Monday, April 30, 2007

I will be here!

If you need to, Scream
if you want to, lean
on my shoulder
cry while I hold you

I'm here
for now
maybe not forever
I'll show you how
to cry to laugh
to throw life around
how to forget
what gets you down

If you need to, scream
to the wind
If you're lonely lean
and I'll bend
towards you
take your hand
and hold you

Life's full of so much
trial and error
it's hard whenever
on the wrong side of failure

You taught me to scream
now I'm telling you to
I'll be here so just lean
on my shoulder

It'll all be over
before you know it soon
so just go on, go on, go on
and scream to the full moon
let all the feelings go
you'll survive
don't let the anger
make your spirit die

If you need to, scream
If you want to, lean
on my shoulder
cry, while I hold you
by: AdamButram


The Rock Star said...

Feel free to visit the River Vineyard whenever you would like. I will not be there this coming Sunday, however.

It is going to be a bit different over the summer due to not having the college kids around. And... I am not really sure what you are looking for, but I certainly think one visit would be good. :)

C. Wilson said...

Great poem there sis.

Anonymous said...

You always have good poems. =D

Dana said...

It was great to see you at Bible Study last night! I hope the rest of your classes go well and we get to see more of you soon!